The Maximator Mobile #Hydrogen Refueller was designed, engineered and manufactured in our Brisbane facility. We set out to create a compact, relocatable and reliable Hydrogen Refueller for small scale refuelling with the flexibility to fill many types of hydrogen vehicles and storage (350 bar and 700 bar) from almost any H2 source. It is a real credit to the #Maximator team that not only did they achieve that specification but it was done in an almost unbelievable time frame – from concept to project completion and commissioning in less than 4months. That was 4 years ago, but seems like yesterday! Since then we have built many refuellers and they have clocked up thousands of hours of trouble free refuelling.
The first refuellers manufactured were supplied to and marketed by H2H Energy under their ‘Gateway Refueller’ brand. There have been some incredible achievements since the first unit in 2019. Our refueller has had many firsts. (Just to name a few.)
– First Australian refill of the first Australian coach
– First pilot refuel station in Queensland
– First refill of the first QLD registered FCEV
– First Police car refuel in Australia
– New Zealand’s First hydrogen bus and passenger vehicles refuel at Port of Auckland
We are not resting on our laurels though. There is a new model coming soon – Faster, more efficient, more compact, even more user friendly. Stay tuned.
Please contact our team for further information. We have options! Standard ‘off the shelf’ refuellers for sale or hire, or, if you have a special requirement we can custom build to your specification. Please follow the below link.