- Designed for inlet and outlet pressures up to 10000 PSIG (689.5 bar)
- Self-Venting with adjustable bonnet vent valve
- Non-Venting and captured venting options available
- 15 micron sintered 316 Stainless Steel inlet filter
- Machined bar stock body, bonnet and piston eliminates porosity found in castings
- Cv 0.06, 0.12, or 0.2
- Optional Tamper resistant acorn nut
Loading Options:
- Air Actuated Design
- Dome loaded design
- Dome loaded design with bias spring
- CGA Fittings
- Gauges
- Panel mounting bracket
- Panel mounting nuts with threaded bonnet
Contact us if you would like any more information on any of Premier’s range or if you would like help you with a custom design or modification.